Overview of a Strategic Planning Process {audio}Church History Questionnaire {pdf}Church Style: Tool to Help You Describe Your Style {pdf}Staff Recommendations Worksheets {pdf}
Ministry Project Management:
Ministry Project Management (English) {pdf}Español: Planificación y Ejecución de Proyectos Ministeriales {pdf}
Emphasis Ideas {pdf}Devotional Booklet {pdf}Hear Each Devotional in Audio {List}
World Evangelization
Church Members & the Mission {pdf}Devotional Guide on Missions & EvangelismUse as a devotional guide, for training, or for sermons ideas.
Roy Fish: Are You Willing to Be Number 4? (32:13) {audio}Eight Ways to Sow {pdf}One-Sentence Testimonies Worksheet {pdf}How to Talk with Your Children About Salvation (23:13) {audio}
Spiritual Gifts:
Spiritual Gifts, part 1: How to Recognize Your Gift {pdf}Spiritual Gifts, part 2: What About the So-Called Charismatic Gifts? {pdf}
Team Ministry
Decentralizing Ministry Without Anarchy (34:14) {audio}
Sunday School/Life Groups:
(or by whatever name your church calls it)Adult Teacher Training Booklet (21 pages) {pdf}Adult Teacher Training 1: Still a Good Idea {PowerPoint wide}Adult Teacher Training 2: Bible Study Tools {PowerPoint wide}Adult Teacher Training 3: Teaching the Passage {PowerPoint wide}Adult Teacher Training 4: Evangelism & Discipleship {PowerPoint wide}Adult Teacher Training 5: Ministering {PowerPoint wide}Adult Teacher Training 6: Starting New Classes {PowerPoint wide}Starting New Classes Like They Plant New Churches {audio}{pdf}Starting a Canceled Parents Class {pdf}Types of Adult Classes (13:59) {audio}Rebranding is Not Enough (6:49) {audio}
Building Programs:
The Building Process {pdf}Balanced Space {pdf}Space Evaluation Worksheets {pdf}Spreadsheet: Worship Capacity, Pews {xlsx}Spreadsheet: Sunday School Capacities {xlsx}Reasons for a Master Site Plan {pdf}Capital Campaigns: An Introduction {pdf}
The Biblical Basis of Associational Missions {audio}{PPT}Church Members, the Association, & the Mission {pdf}A devotional guide for associations engaged in strategic planning and forSearch Teams seeking a new Associational Ministry StrategistLook on the Fields: An Associational Prayer Guide {pdf}{MS Publisher}A prayer guide for Associations engaged in strategic planning. Contains 30 days of personal guidance and guidance for five prayer meetings. Can be used in Level 3 of the SPARC process.
Strategic Planning:Overview of a Strategic Planning Process {audio}Church History Questionnaire {pdf}Church Style: Tool to Help You Describe Your Style {pdf}Staff Recommendations Worksheets {pdf}Ministry Project Management:Ministry Project Management (English) {pdf}Español: Planificación y Ejecución de Proyectos Ministeriales{pdf}Small Church Ministry Indexon this siteRecovering Church Health:Emphasis Ideas {pdf}Devotional Booklet {pdf}Hear Each Devotional in Audio {List}World EvangelizationChurch Members & the Mission {pdf}Devotional Guide on Missions & EvangelismUse as a devotional guide, for training, or for sermons ideas.Evangelism:Roy Fish: Are You Willing to be Number 4? (32:13) {audio}Eight Ways to Sow {pdf}One-Sentence Testimonies Worksheet {pdf}Talking with Our Children About Salvation (23:13) {audio}Spiritual Gifts:Spiritual Gifts, part 1: How to Recognize Your Gift {pdf}Spiritual Gifts, part 2: What About the So-Called Charismatic Gifts? {pdf}Team MinistryDecentralizing Ministry Without Anarchy (34:14) {audio}Building Programs:The Building Process {pdf}Balanced Space {pdf}Space Evaluation Worksheets {pdf}Spreadsheet: Worship Capacity, Pews {xlsx}Spreadsheet: Sunday School Capacities {xlsx}Reasons for a Master Site Plan {pdf}Capital Campaigns: An Introduction {pdf}Deacon Ministry:Booklet: The Biblical Role of Deacons {pdf}Path to Leadership:Ministry Skills for Deacons & Other Church LeadersHow to Give Your Testimony {PPT wide} {PPT 3X4}Leading Public Prayer {PPT wide}{PPT 3X4}Making Hospital Visits {PPT wide} {PPT 3X4}Protecting Church Unity {PPT wide}{PPT 3X4}Biblical Role of Deacons {PPT wide}{PPT 3X4}Staffing the Church {PPT wide}{PPPT 3X4}Crisis Management {PPT wide} {PPT 3X4}Sunday School/Life Groups:(or by whatever name your church calls it)Adult Teacher Training Booklet (21 pages) {pdf}Adult Teacher Training 1: Still a Good Idea {PPT wide}Adult Teacher Training 2: Bible Study Tools {PPT wide}Adult Teacher Training 3: Teaching the Passage {PPT wide}Adult Teacher Training 4: Evangelism & Discipleship {PPT wide}Adult Teacher Training 5: Ministering {PPT wide}Adult Teacher Training 6: Starting New Classes {PPT wide}Starting New Classes Like They Plant New Churches {audio}{pdf}Starting a Canceled Parents Class {pdf}Types of Adult Classes (13:59) {audio}Rebranding S.S. is Not Enough (6:49) {audio}The Ministry of the Baptist Association:The Biblical Basis of Associational Missions {audio}{ppt}Church Members, the Association, & the Mission {pdf}A devotional guide for associations engaged in strategic planning and forSearch Teams seeking a new Associational Ministry StrategistLook on the Fields: Associational Prayer Guide {pdf}{MS Publisher}A prayer guide for Associations engaged in strategic planning. Contains 30 days of personal guidance and guidance for five prayer meetings. Can be used in Level 3 of the SPARC process.Miscellaneous:Vacation Bible School: Observations & Suggestions {audio}Off-Site Links:North American Mission Board email Subscriptions {select & subscribe here}NAMB Podcasts {select here}Mark Hallock: Leading Church Revitalization {podcast}The Great Dechurching, Jim Davis {YouTube}(Starts at 1:02:05 mark; watch through 1:51:10){Book: christianbook.com} {Book: Amazon} {Toolkit}
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