Small Town Church

Descriptive Index

Site Map: Small Town Baptist .Net

The Small Town Baptist web site is a library providing free resources for those who serve traditional churches (more or less) in small town America. New pdf and audio files are regularly added in sections for Preaching, Leading Worship, Small Town Ministry, Strategies, and Beliefs & Doctrine. There are training materials and resources for Sunday School, Deacon Ministry, the Ministry of the Baptist Association, and Strategic Planning. The Doctrine section offers text and audio files on biblical beliefs including two lengthier sub-sections on the Trinity and on the Person and Work of God the Father. Another subsection includes devotional material in audio and pdf called "Recovering Church Health." While some of the material reflects our Baptist background, other evangelical believers will find almost all of our offerings helpful for use in their churches.



Sermon Preparation, Selected Sermons

This page contains audio and pdf files on preparing sermons and funerals. There are sermons for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. This page also links to a sub-index of resources from Steve Scoggins.

Preaching Tab: Small Town Baptist .Net

Steve Scoggins Resources: A Sub-Index

Podcasts, Sermons, & Studies

This page provides a single index to off-site links in multiple places with resources from Pastor Steve.

Steve Scoggins Sub-Index: Small Town Baptist .Net


Leading Meaningful Praise and Prayer Meetings

Many are re-thinking how to lead worship, seeking ways to make it less like attending "The Church Show" - and more about people gathering to actually worship. Included is a devotional booklet on the Attributes of God. Music isn't the only way to express praise; so multiple fact sheets provide ideas for how to say it and not just sing it!

There is a resource booklet for conducting a prayer emphasis and, also, resources for leading prayer meetings which focus less on health concerns and helping your members focus on the Kingdom. For example, there is a series of free brochures providing prayer guidance for "Calling Out the Called" to ministry.

Included are booklets, articles, and audio files.

Worship Tab: Small Town Baptist .Net

Small Town Ministry

The Unwritten Rules for Ministering in a Small Town

If you grew up in suburb and have been called to a small town, this page might be especially helpful for you. There are also some helpful off-site links on this page. You may also find the Small Church Ministry sub-index helpful.

Small Town Ministry Tab: Small Town Baptist .Net


Planning for Growth and Ministry

Sub-sections on this page include:

• Strategic Planning
• Ministry Project Management (planning big events)
• Recovering Church Health
• World Evangelization (missions)
• Evangelism
• Spiritual Gifts
• Team Ministry
• Sunday School/Life Groups
• Building Programs
• Deacon Ministry
• Associational Ministry

There are two pages which are linked to from this page; each is a sub-index: Small Church Ministry and Recovering Church Health.

Included are booklets, articles, and audio files.

Strategies Tab: Small Town Baptist .Net

Small Church Ministry: A Sub-Index

The content on this page is built around five audio sessions. Also inlcuded are fact sheets and helpful off-site links.

Sub-Index: Small Church Ministry

Recovering Church Health Sub-Index

A devotional booklet and ideas for an emphasis on strengthening church health. Each day's devotional is available in audio.

Sub-Index: Recovering Church Health


Helps for Understanding and Teaching Biblical Beliefs

The materials under this tab offer helpful resources for teaching biblical truths. One item is a question and answer format for families to review with their children. Some resources will be helpful for the minister's personal edification. You may also want to take notice below of the sub-index on the Trinity and on God the Father.

Doctrine Tab: Small Town Baptist .Net

The Trinity: A Sub-Index

As Christians, we understand God to be triune. So, to praise Him as well as we can, we need to understand Him as well we can. This page is designed to help explain the Trinity as clearly as possible, based on seven "guardrails."

• Guardrail 1: There is One, and Only One, True God
• Guardrail 2: There Are Three Persons
• Guardrail 3: Each Person is Truly God
• Guardrail 4: There Are Three Persons Eternally & Simultaneously
• Guardrail 5: The Persons Are Distinct
• Guardrail 6: The Persons Mutually Indwell Each Other
• Guardrail 7: The Three Persons Operate Inseparably

This page provides audio files, fact sheets, glossaries, and off-site links. These attmept to answer natural questions which arise, and how to preach and praise Trinitarily.

The Trinity: A Sub-Index

God the Father: A Sub-Index

If people struggle in discussing the Trinity, they really struggle in knowing what to say about God the Father. However, the New Testament has much more to say about the Person and Work of God the Father than we may realize! This page provides audio files and fact sheets

God the Father: A Sub-Index


In addition to the audio files and fact sheets on this site, there are also booklet-length resources. These are for 8.5 by 11-inch paper; you can print them out, punch holes in them, and place them in a ring binder. Some of these are devotional booklets, which are also useful in preparing a sermon series. Permission is granted to print them out and use these materials in the ministry of your church. It is OK to use a portion of a booklet. These are listed below in alphabetical order:

Adult Teacher Training (21 pages)
Biblical Role of Deacons (9 pages)
Church Members & the Mission (28-Day Devotional Guide)
Church Members, the Association, & the Mission (30-Day Devotional Guide)
For associations engaged in strategic planning. Some overlap with booklet above.
Discussing God (40-Day Devotional Guide on the Attributes of God)
Funeral Preparation, with Samples (15 pages)
Going Places: Devotionals for Churches Considering Relocation (31 Days)
Know the Truth: Teaching Your Family Bible Beliefs (39 pages)
Leading Guided Prayer (9 pages)
For use in a local church. Similar to booklet below, but without the associational emphasis.
Look on the Field: Associational Prayer Guide (21 pages)
Ministry Project Management (32 pages)   (Spanish)
Prayer Emphasis Resource Book (36 pages)
Recovering Church Health Devotional Guide (42 Days)
Relocation Manual for Churches (59 pages)
Sermon Preparation (27 pages)
Spiritual Gifts, part 1 (19 pages)
Spiritual Gifts, part 2 (20 pages)
Worship Leadership (40 pages)   (Spanish)

New Materials Are Added Regularly
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Some visitors to the site may recognize some material from our previous site, The Baptist Start Page.

All resources, whether audio, pdf, or web files, are free without further requests for permission to use. "From smalltownbaptist.net" is all that is asked for attribution.
Unless otherwise noted: Articles, fact sheets, and audio are from Derek Gentle, who spent 24 years of his ministry in Tallassee, Alabama.

Off-Site Links
Sometimes, we link to books we have found helpful. We do not receive a commission or compensation in any other form for books or resources recommended on this site. Nor are our links intended to imply they would recommend this site.
