Booklet: Preparing Sermons with Limited Time {pdf}Audio Overview: Preparing Sermons with Limited Time (20:02) {audio}One Page: Sermon Prep Plan for Busy Pastors {pdf}Preaching “Food for the Soul” Pyramid {pdf}Preaching Pyramid Tool Explained (16:22) {audio}Illustrating Sermons (31:39) {audio}{pdf}
Seven Sights in the Throne Room, Revelation 5 {pdf}Proclaiming the Resurrection, Acts 4:33 {pdf}For the Joy Set Before Him, Heb. 12:2 {mp3}Coming to Grips with the Reality, John 20 {mp3}Post-Resurrection Appearances List {pdf}Physicality of the Resurrection, John 20 {PowerPoint}Christ is Risen: Therefore - 1 Corinthians 15:58 {pdf}Bodily Resurrection, Spiritual Results - 1 Peter 1 {pdf}
Thanksgiving Sermon Materials
The Danger of Forgetting God, Deuteronomy 8 {pdf}Ways to Respond to God’s Goodness, 2 Chron. 16 {pdf}The Magnitude of Ingratitude {pdf}Gratitude Can Set the Tone, Colossians {pdf}
Christmas Sermon Materials
Getting Ready for Christmas, Luke 2:8-20 {pdf}A Christmas Vocabulary, Luke 2 {pdf}Reasons for the Incarnation, Hebrews 10:4-13 {pdf}Jesus Christ, The First Missionary, John 16:28 {pdf}Reading: The Face (1:23) {audio}The Trinity at Christmas, Lk.1:26-38, Jn.1:29-34 {pdf}When Christmas Begins, Luke 1:1-17 {pdf}Mary: When God Does the Impossible, Lk.1:26-38 {pdf}Joseph: When God Picks a Father, Matt. 1:18-25 {pdf}Joining the Shepherds, Luke 2:1-20 {pdf}Fourteen Fast Facts on Angels, Luke 2:8-15 {pdf}Reflections on the Wise Men, Matt. 2:1-12 {pdf}Christmas is a Time for Senior Adults, Lk. 2:21-38 {pdf}When Christmas is Over, Matthew 2:1-23 {pdf}
PreachingBooklet: Preparing Sermons with Limited Time {pdf}Audio Overview of Booklet (20:02) {audio}One Page: Sermon Prep Plan for Busy Pastors {pdf}Preaching “Food for the Soul” Pyramid {pdf}Preaching Pyramid Tool Explained (16:29) {audio}Illustrating Sermons (31:39) {audio}{pdf}FuneralsLeading Funerals (33:04) {audio}Funerals: Fact Sheet & Messages (15 pages) {pdf}Easter Sermon MaterialsSeven Sights in the Throne Room, Revelation 5 {pdf}Proclaiming the Resurrection, Acts 4:33 {pdf}For the Joy Set Before Him, Heb. 12:2 {mp3}Coming to Grips with the Reality, John 20 {mp3}Post-Resurrection Appearances List {pdf}Physicality of the Resurrection, John 20 {PowerPoint}Christ is Risen: Therefore - 1 Corinthians 15:58 {pdf}Bodily Resurrection, Spiritual Results - 1 Peter 1 {pdf}Thanksgiving Sermon MaterialsThe Danger of Forgetting God, Deut. 8 {pdf}Ways to Respond to God’s Goodness, 2 Chron. 16 {pdf}The Magnitude of Ingratitude {pdf}Gratitude Can Set the Tone, Colossians {pdf}Christmas Sermon MaterialsGetting Ready for Christmas, Luke 2:8-20 {pdf}A Christmas Vocabulary, Luke 2 {pdf}Reasons for the Incarnation, Hebrews 10:4-13 {pdf}Jesus Christ, The First Missionary, John 16:28 {pdf}Reading: The Face (1:23) {audio}The Trinity at Christmas, Lk.1:26-38, Jn.1:29-34 {pdf}When Christmas Begins, Luke 1:1-17 {pdf}Mary: When God Does the Impossible, Lk.1:26-38 {pdf}Joseph: When God Picks a Father, Matt. 1:18-25 {pdf}Joining the Shepherds, Luke 2:1-20 {pdf}Fourteen Fast Facts on Angels, Luke 2:8-15 {pdf}Reflections on the Wise Men, Matt. 2:1-12 {pdf}Christmas is a Time for Senior Adults, Lk. 2:21-38 {pdf}When Christmas is Over, Matthew 2:1-23 {pdf}And More…Resources from Steve Scoggins {sub-index}